Subject: [langleyhill] An interesting meeting
I wanted to let you know about this interfaith event which I helped
organize. It will be on Oct 7 at 1:30 at the Friends Meeting of
Washington. We have gathered several members of different churches,
synaguogues and mosques and are having them share with us some of their
knowledge and experiences. It promises to be quite interesting with a
good mix of movie, panel discussion, prayers and travelogues. The theme
is "We seek to understand and be understood". The details are in the
attached flyer and below for those of you who will experience difficulty
opening the attachment. Hope you can join us then.
PS: Please feel free to pass on the attached flyer to any friend or
organization that might be interested. Thanks
An Interfaith Celebration
Film and Discussion
SUNDAY ~ OCTOBER 7th, 2007
1:30-5:00 pm
Friends (Quaker) Meeting of Washington
2111 Florida Ave., NW - Washington, D.C. 2008
"We seek to understand and to be understood."
The Peace and Social Concerns Committee of the Friends (Quaker) Meeting
of Washington, through its Interfaith Group, the D.C. Interfaith Peace
Initiative, is sponsoring a gathering entitled "Abraham's Tent." The
date was chosen because of the close convergence this year of holy days:
the Jewish High Holy days of Rosh Hashanah &Yom Kippur, plus Sukkot; the
Christian Feast Day of Saint Francis of Assisi and World Communion
Sunday; and the Muslim month of Ramadan - which will not occur again for
more than 30 years. Come help us celebrate, learn about, and discuss the
three faiths of "the Books." Segments of the film, Three Faiths, One
God: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, will be shown and discussed among
members of the clergy and audience.
Speakers will include:
Imam Imad-ad-Dean Ahmad, President, Minaret of Freedom Institute,
Bethesda, MD; imam, Dar-adh-Dhikr Mosque, Bethesda, MD
Reverend Louise Green, Minister of Social Justice, All Souls Church,
Unitarian, Washington, DC
Reverend Graylan Scott Hagler, Senior Minister, Plymouth Congregational
United Church of Christ, Washington, DC
Jonathan Hayden, Research Assistant, School of International Service,
American University, Washington, DC
Imam Faizul Khan, Islamic Society of the Washington Area, Silver Spring,
Rabbi Jason Kimelman-Block, Director of Education, PANIM: Institute for
Jewish Leadership and Values, Rockville, MD
Frankie Martin, Research Assistant, School of International Service,
American University
Rabbi David Shneyer, Director of Am Kolel Sanctuary and Jewish Renewal
Center, Rockville, MD
Sarah Swick, American University student and Treasurer of Dar-adh-Dhikr
Hailey Woldt, student, Georgetown University, Washington, DC
Co-sponsoring the event are:
All Souls Church, Unitarian, Washington, DC
Am Kolel Sanctuary and Jewish Renewal Center, Rockville, MD
Dar-adh-Dhikr Mosque, Bethesda, MD
Islamic Society of the Washington Area, Silver Spring, MD
Minaret of Freedom Institute, Bethesda, MD
Montgomery/Prince Georges Counties chapter of the Network of Spiritual
Paint Branch Unitarian Universalist Social Action Committee, Adelphi, MD
Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ, Washington, DC
Social Justice Council of Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist Church,
Bethesda, MD
*For directions, see http://www.quaker. org/fmw/fmwdirec .html. If
possible, use Metrorail (Dupont Circle station;
Q St. exit) as street parking can be difficult and near-by garages are
not available on Sundays. If driving, please allow extra time for
parking (near 1:30 p.m., may have to cross Conn. Ave. to find available
Questions about the program may be addressed to: Paul Didisheim (
paul.didisheim@ starpower. net),
Steve Sawmelle (slkursban@erols. com), or Debby Churchman (
dchurchman@yahoo. com).
Labels: Imam, Interfaith, Rabbi, Reverend