Saturday, July 19, 2008

Subject: Help ADC Stop Hate!
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2008 17:12:18 -0400

Dear Bronwin Peel,

Help ADC STOP Hate!

Hateful rhetoric continues to target the Arab-American community, both Christian and Muslim, and ADC needs your help to put an end to it. During this election season we have seen a dramatic increase anti-Arab and anti-Muslim bias. One does not have to look past main stream media outlets to notice how the images and names of Arabs and Muslims are routinely connected with negative stereotypes.

ADC’s forthcoming Hate Crimes Report, which will be widely distributed, documents a continuing pattern of hate and bias toward the community.

The American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee ( continues to work for you and defend the rights of the Arab-American community. Below are some of our recent accomplishments. Please consider making a 100% Tax Deductible contribution to the ADC-Research Institute so that you can help us help the community, defend our constitution and encourage a foreign policy based on equality and human rights for all. As the premiere Arab American Organization in the United States -- with chapters across the Nation and members in every state of the Union -- ADC is leading the fight to protect the community and needs your help to do so.

Click below to make a secure donation:

Donate to ADCRI

ADC continues to:

Conduct extensive cultural competency training to corporations, institutions, schools and local, state and federal law enforcement;
Play a major role in the political and legal challenges to abolish profiling of Arab and Muslim Americans
Play key roles in the passage of legislative resolutions on the Hill
Serving as the only US-based organization certified as an expert civil society representative working with the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) on combating Islamophobia in over 56 countries including the United States
Launch a voter registration drive so that Arab Americans make a difference in local, state and federal elections
Publish and distributed a report discussing Israeli violations of international and humanitarian laws during the 2006 war on Lebanon
Promote a balanced US foreign policy in the Middle East.
Make several media appearances and placing letters to the editor and Op-Eds in the Nation’s largest media outlets (See below)

Recent ADC Op-Eds, Articles and Letters and Media Appearances

ADC Op-Ed on TSA Security Scanners in the Arab American News

ADC Op-Ed on Obama and Arab and Muslim Americans in the Minneapolis Star-Tribune

ADC on CNN discussing Arab Americans and the Presidential Campaign

ADC in Wall Street Journal Discussing the Election

ADC on Voice of America on the Plight of the Palestinians

ADC Letter in South Dakota Argus Leader

ADC Letter on Obama Campaign in The New York Times

ADC Op-Ed on the 60th Anniversary of the Nakba in The Boston Globe

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