Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas from Bethlehem

I found the following email among the emails I sent last Christmas from Bethlehem. Sadly the wall that was mostly built last year now completely encloses the small city where Christ was born.

Written December 24, 2005
I’m spending the weekend with a friend’s family in Bethlehem. Sami's sister has relieved me for a few days from my nursing duties. I'm getting a much needed rest. My hosts are a happy, very hospitable family and I’m enjoying my visit immensely. When it stops raining we will go into Bethlehem to Manger Square to see the Christmas lights and shop.

I’m surprised that many Muslim families now celebrate the season with gift sharing and decorated trees. There is one child in my hosts’ family, a boy not quite two. He’s the first grandchild from six siblings, is adored by all, and responds with hugs for everyone and a precocious vocabulary in English and Arabic.

The food here is delicious especially the fruits and vegetables that have not been bred as in the states for long distance shipping. The flavors remind me of food from my grandparents' farms when I was a child.

The culture is far more westernized than when I was here two decades ago. This is evident in their method of serving foods, how they dress, and the goods available in stores.

I must go now for the afternoon meal. My hostess has prepared my favorite Palestinian dish.

I wish you all a very merry Christmas day and a happy new year.

-Peace to all with no exceptions,

Brownwin Peel


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